Shaped and Molded for God’s Purpose

“You are His workmanship…” Eph 2:10

You and I are God’s greatest handy work, the greatest work He has ever created.  He is shaping and molding you with His hands.  This is why Paul said, we are His workmanship.

You and I were created so we could be shaped and molded for a certain purpose as a vessel of honor.  It is good to understand the process that God uses to carry out the task of preparing us as a vessel of honor.

First we are on the potter’s wheel, going around and around.  We wonder “who are we?”, as we are being transformed from a simple piece of clay into a vessel.  As we accept Christ and embrace our identity through Him as a child of God, the spinning stops.

Then the painful maturing process begins.  He shapes us with His hands putting pressure on all the lumpy fleshly places.  Then on the places that will not submit to the smoothing out with His hands, He will use an instrument.  It is one that will rub us the wrong way until the ruff edges are smooth.  Just as things smooth out in our life and we feel good, all of a sudden we find ourselves in the fire, the refiner’s fire.  As we are wondering why this is happening, we must remember we are still in His hands.

We also must remember that this process is always going on.  God is using all people and all situations for our ultimate good, so that we will become a vessel of honor to be filled with His glory.