Preparation Call: A time for Fresh Beginnings


“Behold, I make all things new.”  Revelations 21:5

dealing with offensesGod declares it is a time for the new things.  Fresh beginnings are upon us.

Many yeast ago, I knew the Lord had actually impressed upon me the need to “PREPARE” and lead my family into what I heard as a “Preparation Call”.  This calling came during a time when things were fine in our Country and our economy was actually pretty strong.  I was perplexed as to why I was being led to prepare.

“I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, I will hold thine hand, and I will keep thee. Behold the former things are come to pass and the new things do I declare before they spring forth I tell you of them.” Isaiah 42:69

I struggled for a long time with what God had laid on my heart.  It just didn’t seem to make sense and I continually asked God for answers.   I didn’t fully understand, but I think part of this Preparation Call was to be willing to learn how to accept God’s instructions in FAITH – rather than by intellectual understanding.

So, I pressed on trying to just come to grips with what God was asking.  I wrestled with it alone not daring to share this crazy notion with my family or anyone else.  I feared that they would assume that I had gone off the deep end and had lost my sense of reality.

But… one day I finally surrendered my flesh as I realized that my job was to follow in Faith, and be obedient to what God had laid on my heart.  I didn’t know the future, but I knew that my steps were ordered by the Lord – and I knew that He would guide my path.

Shortly after that, I told my family that we were going to begin Preparing.  They didn’t know what to think, but figured we were on a new journey.  And for certain, we were.

That day, over 20 years ago, we surrendered to the Preparation Call.  I didn’t know what exactly to expect and certainly didn’t have an exact blueprint of what we would be doing.

There is much more to the story, but we will share more later.  The wonderful fact is… God has done some amazing things in our lives along the journey.   The Preparation call was nothing at all like I imagined but we are definitely understanding more of why God called us to Prepare – and His hand of mercy was on us ever step of the way.

“I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, I will hold thine hand, and I will keep thee.  Behold the former things are come to pass and the new things do I declare before they spring forth I tell you of them.” Isaiah 42:69

We found the Preparation Call to be a time for fresh beginnings.   A brand-new lifestyle, the abundant life of God’s love is feasible for every follower.  When we are obedient to His call and open our hearts to God’s unfailing love, He will bless our steps – even when things just do not seem to make sense initially.



Abiding in His Presence


If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.   John 15:7

Abiding in His PresenceIn today’s fast-pace and hectic lifestyles we often strive to accomplish our tasks in order to feel accomplishment.   Unfortunately, those busy tasks often cause us to ignore the vital importance of spending time in the presence of God.

The word “abiding” means to remain continuously.  Our need is to abide in His presence continuously and allow His words to remain in us continuously.  Unfortunately, too often we replace  abiding in His presence with other tasks and priorities and become overwhelmed with things of this world – rather than living victoriously in Him.

We can find a deep, comforting delight that just arises from spending time with our Heavenly Father and abiding in His presence.  There are a lot of people who enjoy quite moments alone and perhaps sit by their fireplace in deep meditation!  They may be lonely and hurting.  They might sit alone, however there is someone who is hidden from view, but ever-present and waiting for their reach.  Yet, for some reason, people often do not completely recognize His presence.

Recognizing God’s presence can be limited by the stresses of mind, feelings, physical condition, or even the weather conditions outside.  The rainfall or thick fog outside, the lack of sleep or intense pain, seem to obstruct people from the ability to grasp the fullness of His presence.

We simply need to call upon Him and surrender those moments to really basking in His presence.  He is always faithful to meet us.  As we rest expectantly in God’s presence, the Lord takes control and starts to draw our attention to God’s word and His peace that passes all understanding.  We begin to sense His comforting love as His presence fills our hearts.

There is a deep demand in every one of us to be close to our God.  Abiding in His presence is something to be sought after and not to be stayed clear of. While many try to live our lives according God’s word, our experiences with God will make it all come alive.  The Bible is a book of experiences, of men and women of God throughout history, whose lives were changed with a divine encounter.   Our lives will also be changed as we seek to abide in His presence.

There is more than simply understanding His presence.  The higher important thing is to appreciate His presence and enjoy the precious time with Him.  He is close to you, and His presence is real.  He is always present, a warmhearted friend, and the all-powerful Lord.   He is there to listen to your hurts, fears and disappointments, as-well-as your joys and victories.

This is a joyful reality for hurting hearts everywhere… God is with you, and is closer than ever.  You are not alone, He is always there.  Abide in Him.