Jesus is Watching

“He shall see [the fruit] travail of His soul and be satisfied…” (Isaiah 53:11) Amp.

Isaiah 53:11 says that Jesus will watch and see the travail of His soul and be satisfied as He justifies many and makes them righteous.  Can you appreciate what He did for you and receive His sacrifice and the travail of His soul?  Can you receive your redemption as a gift with a grateful heart? 
He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities.  His outward wounding was for our obvious transgressions or sins, the things we do, stepping over the line or crossing over the boundary that has been set up by God. He took the punishment that we deserve.
He was bruised for our iniquities. A bruise is a wound on the inside that shows up later on the outside.  An iniquity is also an internal problem that shows up on the surface later.  Iniquity is a hidden sin, possibly a habit of sin that has been in your family for generations.  The outward evidence does not show up for some time. Jesus died for obvious sins and iniquities, the hidden tendencies that you my not have even seen as sin.
Stop and open your heart to Jesus and ask Him to search your heart right now.  Confess all sins and sinful habits or iniquities as the Holy Spirit brings them to your attention.  As you have confessed your sins, receive His forgiveness. Jesus is watching to see who will receive His redemption. When you receive it, you will feel the peace of His satisfaction.

Properly Dealing With the Pain of Rejection

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32).

Rejection occurs when someone does not receive or accept you for who you are. It is an error on the part of the one who is rejecting another, not the one who is experiencing the rejection. If you have experienced rejection, it does not mean there is something wrong with you. In Scripture, Saul did not see who David was, Joseph’s brothers did not see who he was, and the Jews of the day did not see who Jesus was. 

The enemy plants lies in our minds at the moment of rejection.  We are then held captive by the lies of rejection, because the lies dictate how we feel about ourselves.  Rejection is not a sign of weakness, although those who suffer from the pain of rejection become weary and even weak. Jesus understands your pain because He too experienced rejection. “He came to his own and his own did not receive him” (John 1:11).
Many people try to get rid of the pain by purposing to forget what happened or by blocking out the person who hurt them. However, the pain that remains is a constant reminder of the rejection. The minute someone says something that triggers the lie they believed, the pain is instantly felt.

Another way many people deal with pain is to run from it or pretend it really isn’t there. Pain is like a shadow, it will follow you no matter how fast or far you run. That is why so many people are walking around with the shadow of the past still on them.
To be set free from the lies, repent for placing the opinion and acceptance of others over God’s acceptance. Christ came to set us free so we could receive the truth and take our seat with Him in the heavenly places. The enemy knows that if he can keep us bound on earth by lies, we will remain in defeat.
Identify all lies that are connected to the rejections, then:

  • Renounce the lies
    Identifying and renouncing lies is very important in the healing process.  Example:  If you still believe that you are unwanted, you will not be able to embrace the truth of God’s acceptance.
  • Renew your mind with the truth
    What does God say in His Word about you?  Write it down, memorize it! (Psalm 139:14-18).
  •  Come out of agreement with the enemy
    If you have believed lies, you have entered into agreement with the enemy. Come out of agreement by renouncing the lies out loud. Example: “I am no longer rejected; I am accepted in the beloved.”

How to Deal With Offenses

“Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colors. And when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him, and could not speak peaceably unto him.” Genesis 37:3-4

dealing with offensesJust like Joseph, we have all experienced relationship problems.  It is in how we process these problems that determines our peace with God. Joseph released his brothers and found forgiveness. (Gen.50:15-20)

Learning how to deal with problems and conflict in a relationship is learned in your family when you’re growing up.  A healthy family deals with problems as they arrive instead of sweeping them under the rug. When there is a problem in a healthy family, the hurtful things that are said are addressed quickly.  These hurtful things are not just overlooked, but addressed so forgiveness can occur.

When hurtful words or actions are not dealt with, the pain gets buried. Usually buried pain does not surface for many years.  A person who can face a situation and deal with it quickly will be much healthier than a person who does not know how to deal with problems properly.  Life is full of relationship problems, and relationship problems are full of pain; it’s all in how you deal with it that determines your quality of life.  It is possible for a person who has had a life of hardship and suffering to still enjoy a life of peace and joy if they deal with the pain as they go.

If you had a hurtful situation that was never dealt with, the pain may still be affecting your life today. You may be in much need of healing and not even realize it.  The sad thing is everyone around you knows it when they see you in an emotional roller-coaster with sudden outbursts of anger.  Anger is an outward indicator of a serious lingering heart pain.  Anger will usually surround a hidden pocket of pain that needs to be healed.

The Psalmist David knew that when he sinned, it was his heart that needed healing. He said,

Lord be merciful to me, heal my inner self (heart), for I have sinned against you.” Psalm 41:4 Amp

We don’t hesitate to see a doctor when we have chest pain, but never give it a thought when we explode at the least little thing, like when a Dad yells at the kids when they leave their skateboard in the driveway, or when Mom screams when someone leaves clothes on the floor.

“God knows the secrets of the heart” (Psalms 44:21)

He knows what we have released and forgiven, and what we are still holding on to.  It is those things we are still holding on to that causes the anger.

God Uses Broken Things

“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” Psalm 51:17

GodWe can look at Scripture and be assured that God uses all things, even the broken pieces of our lives.  He will carefully hold each piece in His hand until just the right time, and then He uses it for good to help someone else.  After we have been healed of painful hurts and then repent for our own sinful responses, our testimony of God’s redemption is complete.

Before repentance, we tend to blame others or live in denial, thinking we do not have any problems.  It’s as if we have pure water flowing from our lips and they have muddy water coming from theirs.  After being healed we can begin to see our sinful responses and how they have hurt the one who hurt us, as well as others around us over whom we have influence.  It is during the process of repentance that our pride is broken and we can clearly see our own sin.

It was not until Jacob’s natural strength was broken, when “his hip was wrenched” (Gen. 32:25) at Peniel, that he came to the point where God anointed him with spiritual strength.

Once the poor and humble widow broke the seal on her only remaining jar of oil and began to pour, God miraculously multiplied the oil to pay her debts and thereby supplied her means of support (2 Kings 4:1-7).  All her needs were met because God used what had been broken.

Once Jesus took “the five loaves…and broke them” (Luke 9:16), the bread was multiplied to feed the five thousand.  It was through the very process of the loaves being broken that the miracle occurred.

Once Mary broke her beautiful “alabaster jar of very expensive perfume” (Matt. 26:7), the true value was revealed.  God uses broken things. Humbly take every broken piece of your life and give it the Lord.  Don’t try to glue it, fake it or fix it; simply release it.

Now, trust in Him to pass His hand over every broken piece of your life and use every piece.  Trust and wait on Him to turn all things around and use them for your good.  Stay humble before the Lord and He will lift you up.

Written by Denise Boggs

He Heals the Broken Hearted

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3

Connecting with people is sometimes very difficult to do.  And how heartbreaking it is when – for whatever reason – we can’t seem to connect even with those who are closest to us.

If you have been hurt in a relationship, you may be guarding your heart and fearful of being hurt again. It is very hard and even impossible to connect when you can’t lay your guard down and open your heart.

Trust God to heal your heart that has been wounded or betrayed and is now broken.  If you find it hard to connect with others you may have a wounded heart that needs to be healed.  Healing comes by faith.  The prayer of faith shall heal the sick and the prayer of faith shall heal the heart.

Pray this simple prayer right now and by faith begin receiving your healing:

Father God, It is hard for me to connect to others. I have been hurt and I want to be healed. I ask you to heal my broken heart and bind up my wounds.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Written by Denise Boggs.