Peace / 67 posts found

The Way of Peace

by Denise Boggs
And they have no experience of the way of peace [they know nothing about peace, for a peaceful way they do not even recognize]. Romans 3:17 Once you have tasted something that is good and satisfying to your taste, you will continue to crave it.  Like my Aunt Nan’s delicious home-made pound cake, or my Mom’s wonderful banana pudding?  No one else can touch these two desserts; my mind is set, and I know how delicious they are.  It is such a delightful experience as you savor every bite; there is no question in your mind.   You don’t wonder, “Is […]

Finding Your Purpose in Life

by Denise Boggs
 “I will cry to God Most High …who brings to pass His purposes for me and surely completes them.” Psalm 57:2 Amp   If you are like many people, you may be seeking and desiring to know what your purpose is.  You may be wondering, “Why am I here?” and “What am I supposed to do with my life?”  So many times we run here and there pursuing this idea or that idea trying to discover God’s purpose for our life.   The verse above makes it real clear that God has established His purpose for each of us and […]

The Lord is My Refuge

by Denise Boggs
But let all those who who take refuge and put their trust in you rejoice; let them ever sing and shout for joy…   Psalm 5:11 God designed us with feelings to be able to monitor our environment.  He also gives us the wisdom to learn from our mistakes and failures.  This wisdom can be used alongside our feelings so that we will not get trapped in unhealthy relationships or stay in dangerous or unsafe places. When we take refuge in the Lord and trust in Him, He will direct us to a safe place, and we will know it is […]

Take the High Way

by Denise Boggs
God’s ways are higher than our ways. Have you ever stopped to think that if you are trusting in what you see with the natural eye or your own abilities you are living in a lower level than where God intended for you to live? His way of life is much higher than your way of life and standard of living. In comparison, your standard of living is as backwards as living back in the day when the weekly trip to the grocery store was made in a horse and wagon. Back then they couldn’t fathom flying across country in […]

Holding on in Times of Trouble

by Denise Boggs
“Peace I leave with you…”John 14: 27 In my quiet time this morning I realized Jesus gave instructions how to hold on in a time of trouble.  He said in John 14:27, to stay in peace.  He left us with His peace to grab hold of and hold on to it; His very own peace.  Imagine that, He took the peace He had while here on earth; the peace that covered Him and kept Him resting during times of trouble.  He knew the cross was ahead of Him but, He remained in peace. He didn’t get fearful-  He remained steadfast […]

Worship Me and Watch Me Work

by Denise Boggs
This morning as I sat with the Lord in a quite time, He showed me the key that will solve every problem and conquer every fear. As I was praying for strength, wisdom, guidance and direction for the day, the sun began to rise. When the first ray of sunlight hit my face I heard the Lord’s voice, “just worship Me.” At that moment all the concerns I had for myself and others were gone as the Lord said, “Worship Me and Watch Me Work.” My prayer for wisdom ceased. My prayer for strength was fulfilled. My prayer for guidance […]

Examine My Heart

by Denise Boggs
“Search me Lord and know my heart, try me and know my ways and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23-24). All through Scripture we are encouraged by the Lord to examine our heart.  David said in Psalm 139, “any wicked way;”  this would be any wicked way of thinking, feeling or acting.  The thoughts of our heart are sometimes hidden from view, but can be clearly seen by our actions and our responses.  Psalm 23:7 says, “As a man thinks in his heart so is he.” You can […]