I Have a Choice

“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.” Psalm 1:1

Every day of our life we make hundreds of choices and each of those choices will produce an outcome. For instance: we make a choice what foods we eat in the morning for breakfast; nutritious or unhealthy, we choose whether we will go to work or stay home and watch TV all day, and we choose whether we will ride a bike or a car on the highway to the mall.  In each of these situations we have a choice. If we make the wrong choice; the outcome will be obvious in a short amount of time that we made the wrong choice.

The outcome can look like this: You will run out of energy if you eat an unhealthy breakfast, you will soon loose your job if you don’t go to work, and you may find yourself in the hospital if you choose to ride your bike on the highway.  The outcome tells you quickly if you made the wrong choice.

The same is true in our spiritual life.  David says in the Psalm, “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly”. When you take counsel from an ungodly person, you will soon see by the outcome that something is wrong with their counsel. It will be just as obvious as when you keep riding down the highway on a bike. You are in danger when you take counsel from an ungodly person because if they do not know God they do not know His ways.  David said, don’t walk in ungodly counsel. From the moment you hear ungodly counsel you have a choice; will you act upon it and walk down the wrong path, or choose the right path. It boils down to a simple choice, and the choice is yours. Wrong counsel can feel good at the moment, but if the counsel does not line up with the ways of God, the outcome will not be a blessing in the end.

Ask the Lord to show you where you are making wrong choices and listening to the wrong counsel; then pray this simple prayer: Teach me thy way O Lord; I will walk in thy truth… Psalm 86:1. Then you will soon see the blessings of the Lord.