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stay on the path

Take the Path of Life

“Show me the path of life…” Psalm 16:11 God knows exactly what is going on in your world.  He has provided everything you need to live during these times; and actually He has provided a way for you to live in peace even during times of trouble. Find the path of life, the peace of God.  Once you find the path of life, stay there, don’t let your heart be troubled.  Stop allowing yourself stray off the path, lost and fearful. You have a choice; you simple stay on the path. You have a choice daily; so don’t allow your […]

What is Grieving You?

by Denise Boggs
 “For they speak against Thee wickedly, and Thine enemies take Thy name in vain. I am grieved with those that rise up against thee”                                                         Psalm 139: 20-21 Does it grieve your spirit when someone speaks against the Lord, when they take His Name in vain? We use the Name of the Lord in vain when we use His Name to justify our bad behavior. When we say the “Lord told us” to do something, when really it is our own desire, we use His Name in vain. If we honor the Name of the Lord, we will never use […]

Are Your Feelings Affecting your Focus?

by Denise Boggs
13.  I remain confident of this:  I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.  14.  Wait for the Lord;  be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Psalm 27: 13-14 Do you believe that scripture? If not, what is it you are focusing on? When we set our hearts on the goodness of the Lord we carry His presence into every situation. No matter what the circumstances are we must focus on the goodness of the Lord. If we look at our circumstances and ‘give in to our feelings’ we will sink […]

Your Life is Shielded by the Hand of God

by Denise Boggs
You have also given me the shield of Your salvation, and Your right hand has held me up; Your gentleness and condescension have made me great. Psalms 18:35 (Amplified) Have you ever felt alone and nervous as you were about to confront a high-stress situation?  Did you overwhelmed and wonder how you could possibly get through it without anyone else helping?  The good news is, God is always with us regardless of the situation. How comforting it is to know that our life is shielded by the hand of God. He literally holds us in his hand and nothing can […]
Learning to Trust Again

The Loving Kindness of our God

by Denise Boggs
“The Lord will command his loving kindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me …” Psalm 42:8 At night you can sleep in peace because you know God is already working things out for tomorrow. The Lord actually commands His loving kindness to be accomplished, so you will receive all His blessings. He commands it. He is ext ending His loving kindness towards you. This is His promise and you can rest in His promises. Look for it, His loving kindness will show up visibly. Deut.28:8 says, “the Lord shall command the blessings upon […]
God Calls for A Time of Rest

I Have a Choice

by Denise Boggs
“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.” Psalm 1:1 Every day of our life we make hundreds of choices and each of those choices will produce an outcome. For instance: we make a choice what foods we eat in the morning for breakfast; nutritious or unhealthy, we choose whether we will go to work or stay home and watch TV all day, and we choose whether we will ride a bike or a car on the highway to the […]

How Can I find my Spiritual Identity?

by Denise Boggs
“And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ”  Galatians 4: 6-7   Who am I?  What is my purpose in this life?  How can I find meaning and value? People all over the world struggle with their identity, and what they mean to God.  God created each of us for a purpose and as we yield to Him, He will bring us to the reality of that […]

How to Dwell in the Peace of God

by Denise Boggs
“I will lie down, both in peace and in sleep for You alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety” -Psalm 4:8 As God’s children, we possess a powerful gift that the rest of this world is trying to obtain.  We possess peace. We can lie down at night after a long, hard day with peace in our hearts knowing that the Lord is going to take care of everything that is troubling us. That is a wonderful gift. Most of this world longs to be rescued from the troubles of life. Although we can’t escape every problem, as Christians, we […]
Highway of Holiness

How Can I Choose the Right Path?

by Denise Boggs
“That we may do those good works which God predestined for us…”  Ephesians 2: 10 In life, we often have important decisions to make and wonder – How can I choose the right path?  It’s not always easy to hear the whisper of God, but we do know that he is Ever-present in our lives.  He has made provision for our decisions so that we can know which path to choose. Predestined means preordained and appointed by God. He has preordained and planned before hand what your purpose is on the earth. He has used the situations in your life […]

Have you Been Offended?

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3 Connecting with people is sometimes very difficult. It is heartbreaking when, for whatever reason, we can’t connect even with those who are closest to us.  If you have been hurt in a relationship, you may be guarding your heart and fearful of being hurt again. It is very hard, even impossible to connect when you can’t lay your guard down. If you find it hard to connect with others, you may have a wounded heart that needs to be healed from the past. When we have been wounded by […]