Cleanse Your Spirit With the Word of God

” The words of the LORD are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.”  Psalm 12:6

purifying fire“You have to drink plenty of water,” my mom would say to me whenever I was sick as a child.  Drinking fluids helps flush out the harmful bacteria in your body that causes you to be ill.

Guilt, shame, and condemnation are like harmful bacteria in your spirit.  Unless they are flushed out by the Word of God, these things will reside within you and cause spiritual damage.  They can hinder your personal relationship with the Lord. The very words of the Lord refine us and cleanse us deep within our spirit. Without them we become vulnerable to all of the impurities in this world.  It is imperative for you to allow the words of the Lord to settle deep down in your heart.  His words will drive out all the things that are unclean and replace them with His truth.

Pray this prayer with me: “Lord, I thank you that I have access to your Word at all times. I ask that as I read Your Word, you would cleanse and purify my heart. Make me whiter than snow. In Your name I pray. Amen.”

Breaking Free From Rejection

Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives…” Luke 4:18

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” John 8:32

If you have been hurt or wounded, you may still struggle with thoughts and feelings of rejection. If you are still feeling the pain even after forgiving the one who hurt you, you are not completely free yet.

The enemy uses rejection to plant lies in our mind. To be free, you must realize who your enemy is; it is not flesh and blood or the person who rejected you. You must recognize the lies and come completely out of agreement with them.

Jesus came to set us free from rejection. He set’s us free with the Truth. Scripture tells us not to give a place for the enemy.   “In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.”  (Ephesians 4:26, 27)

The Lies from Rejection

Childhood is the most vulnerable time in our life. During the formative years, we look to the adults that are closest to us for acceptance and validation. If our parents failed to recognize or validate us, then lies can be embraced.

Lies that remain in a child’s mind over the course of time grow and take over their thoughts, like weeds take over a garden.

Adulthood and childhood lies sound the same:

  • “There is something wrong with me”
  • “I’m not good enough”
  • “I will never be good enough”
  • “Nobody cares”
  • “I’m unwanted”
  • “I don’t belong”
  • “Nobody loves me”
  • “Why try?”

Has the enemy used rejection to plant lies in your mind?  You must replace the lies with the truth of God’s Word.

minister to others out of overflow

living waterWhen you are ministering to others, it is so important to be refilled with God’s Word daily. There are so many reasons: His Word is the lamp to your feet and the light to your path; but, even more importantly, God’s Word is the Living Water that gives life to your spirit.

The reality is that we cannot live without water. That is how God created us.  You can not survive over three days without natural water before your body begins to shut down.  Even a flowering plant requires water to live.  You can see the effects within a few days if the plant is not receiving enough water.  A flower that has not been properly watered will be droopy and limp; whereas, a flower that has been watered is full of life and beauty.  A thirsty Christian is just as noticeable; they’re dry and limp.

As you receive God’s Word, you can actually feel your spirit drinking in, reviving and blooming again.  So, if you are dry and droopy, just stop; drink and be refreshed.  Drink in the Word, and be filled up before you try to minister to others.  Always be sure to minister to others out of your overflow, not out of your substance.