scripture / 7 posts found
Guaranteed to Change Your Life
Twenty or so years ago I was introduced to a prayer that was guaranteed to change your life and your marriage. WOW! Did I ever need a guarantee like that. I immediately began to pray this prayer for my husband and me. Our life was such a mess at that time, like a cluttered closet. I didn’t know where to start and he wasn’t interested at all in cleaning closets. I had heard the old saying that prayer changes things, so I began to pray and trust God to clean out our cluttered closets. Today, 20 years later, as I […]
It is Time to Receive the Truth
Do not believe the lies that the enemy throws at you. Trust God, for his word is True! “Receive and welcome the Word, which implanted and rooted [in your hearts], contains the power to save your soul.” James 1:21 Amp One morning, I overslept. The sun was already out, shining brightly through the window. I ran to the garden, and as I ran down the sidewalk I saw that the dew was gone. I had missed meeting with God. I immediately had an old thought, a lie I had believed for years. The lie was: “If I mess up, God […]
What Are Your Thoughts About Yourself?
“How precious also are thy thoughts unto me O God? How great is the sum total of them! If I should count them they are more in number than the sand; when I awake I am still with thee.” (Psalm 139: 17) Where are your thoughts about yourself coming from? Are you listening to others’ comments or are you listening to the Lord? Are you measuring your worth by a worldly standard you see on TV or are you using God’s Word as the standard? If you can believe that God carefully and lovingly molded you in the womb and […]
minister to others out of overflow
When you are ministering to others, it is so important to be refilled with God’s Word daily. There are so many reasons: His Word is the lamp to your feet and the light to your path; but, even more importantly, God’s Word is the Living Water that gives life to your spirit. The reality is that we cannot live without water. That is how God created us. You can not survive over three days without natural water before your body begins to shut down. Even a flowering plant requires water to live. You can see the effects within a few […]
Watch God Work
God’s Word does not return to Him void! His Word will accomplish what He sent it to planet earth to accomplish. Twenty five years ago I was given a scripture based prayer and encouraged to pray it diligently for each family member. At the time my husband and I only had one daughter, so that seemed do-able. I printed the prayer out, placed it in my Bible and prayed it every day, with my husband and daughter’s name in the prayer. As I read this prayer today, in the Amplified version, I was amazed at how this simple prayer had […]