How to Create Your Home as a Safe Place

“Love one another” – 1 John 4

We all want to make our home a safe place for ourselves and those we love. To establish your home as a safe place read the following statements. If you agree with these statements ask God to remove any blocks or stones in your heart that would hinder His love from flowing through your heart into your home.

1) I want my home to be a safe place where love abounds.

2) I will express love to my family in verbal and nonverbal ways without stipulations or conditions.

3) I want my home will be a place where thoughts and ideas will be appreciated, accepted and respected.

4) In my home we will encourage each other to share their heart.

5) I will regard each person in my family as a valuable part of the family.

6) The unique gifting of each person will be affirmed and acknowledged.

7) In my home each person will feel safe to express their emotions in healthy ways.

8) In my home we will acknowledge and take responsibility for mistakes and ask for forgiveness.

9) In my home we will talk about painful situations on a daily basis. We will not ignore them and sweep them under the rug.

10) In my family we will develop an atmosphere of trust.

Read and declare these statements until they permeate deep within your heart and you will begin to see the fruit in your home.