The Day of Freedom

 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”   1 Thessalonians 5:21

Learning to Trust AgainDid you know that this could be your day for freedom?  You must first determine what you need freedom from.   Do you need freedom from fear and anxiety or do you need freedom from discouragement?

You can gain freedom from these emotional bondage’s by being thankful.  It may sound too simple but a thankful heart is a profound truth found in God’s Word.   A thankful heart is a heart that sees what God has done and is thankful for the blessings.

If you have not developed a thankful heart you will find yourself repeatedly struggling with disappointment and discouragement. Freedom means you have overcome these deadly emotions! It just takes one act of obedience to God’s Word to overcome.

Looking at how the Lord has blessed you develops a thankful heart.  If you are always focusing on what is wrong then that is what you will see, think about and feel.  That’s the picture that will develop! To develop a thankful heart you must focus on what is good about the situation and thank God for it. A thankful heart has to be cultivated out of obedience to the Lord.   Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:21; “In all things give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus,” Even in a devastating situation, look for what you can thank God for and focus on this blessing.

Maintaining your freedom from fear and disappointment is the next challenge. Living in the present is the key. When your thoughts are always drifting backwards on what went wrong you would feel discouraged. When your thoughts are always on the future you can become anxious and fearful of the unknown.  Stay in the present and focus on what God has done this day and be thankful.  A person with a thankful heart is at peace.  Face each new day and focus on what God has done.

Our God is With Us

“I cried to the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of His holy hill. I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the Lord sustained me.”  Psalms 3:4-5

Resting Place of GodThere is turmoil and difficulties in our world that continually confront us.  We are challenged every day, and it is often hard to keep our minds and hearts set on God.  We know He is with us, but we often neglect to acknowledge and recognize His blessing in our lives.  He Loves us so much that even as we sometimes ignore Him, He is always there to hear our cries gives us peace in our slumber, and greets us as we rise.

“How precious also are they thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.” Psalms 139: 17-18

God’s thoughts towards you are so vast they are more in number than the sand.  The best time to receive His thoughts is when you wake up early in the morning.  His thoughts are higher than your thoughts, so listen to hear His thoughts before you start thinking your own.  When you wake up early you will be able to hear Him speak to you clearly.  Your thoughts are in your soul but your spirit receives God’s thoughts.  Your spirit needs to hear what God is speaking before your own thoughts begin.

Ask God to show you how He sees you and your situation and He will lift you up above it, so you can look from a higher viewpoint and see it clearly.  As you hear what His thoughts are towards you, write them down.

Write down in a Journal what you hear Him saying, and then wait on Him to confirm it.

The Path: Pray asking God to tell you what He thinks about you.


Keep a Journal of your Blessings

“Our fathers in Egypt understood not nor appreciated Your miracles; they did not earnestly remember the multitude of Your mercies nor imprint Your loving-kindness [on their heart], but they were rebellious and provoked the Lord at the sea, even at the Red Sea.” Psalm 106: 7

write it downI have found that when I write something down I am able to remember it. I have even written down a grocery list and then left the list in the car but, because I wrote out the grocery list I was able to remember the items on my list.

I recently had a dream that re-enforced the importance of writing things down.  In the dream the hardest math equation on earth was placed before me.  In the dream, I was told that the math equation represented the bondage that so many people were in.  I was told that if I could figure out the equation I could help these people get free.

In school I struggled in math, but, in the dream I was able to figure the equation out.  The key to figuring out the equation was to write it down.

As I read this verse I was reminded of the importance of keeping a journal, of writing down and recording the wonderful blessings of the Lord.  We experience God’s loving-kindness every day of our life.  But, when we fail to keep an account of all the marvelous ways He works in our life, we can soon forget.  We can step into the trap that the children of Israel were in. They did not appreciate God’s miracles or His daily provision. Therefore, they began to grumble complain about what He did not do.

Could it be that they could not see the right path to take because they failed to remember the goodness of God?  Could it be that this is a major key to keeping out eyes fixed upon the Lord?  The children of Israel strayed off track and wondered in the wilderness for 40 years, because they failed to imprint His goodness on their heart.

This is a lesson we must learn, to keep our eyes upon the Lord, to record His miracles, mercy and loving kindness every day and He will direct our path.