Hope / 25 posts found

Awakened in my Faith!

by Denise Boggs
“Aroused by faith, Moses, when he had grown to maturity and became great…”  Hebrews 11:24 It is interesting that Moses had to be aroused by faith.  The word “arouse” means to be awakened; to be stirred up and awakened from slumbering.  We can get so consumed and overwhelmed with the struggles of life that we become discouraged to the point that our spirit slumbers, or shuts down and sleeps. When you give in and are overcome by discouragement, you have a slumbering spirit.  An awakened spirit keeps you focused on what God is doing; even in the midst of trouble, […]

Are you Stressed, Tired, and Burnt-out?

by Denise Boggs
“Oh God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land…”   Psalm 63:1 Life can be very difficult at times.   The stresses that we face each day can often be overwhelming and leave us exhausted and frustrated.  There is a deep well within us that must be filled up daily. When this well has not been filled, you will find yourself dry and thirsty. Jesus said, “If any man thirst let him come to me and drink.” (John 7:37) Jesus is the fountain where we go to drink; He  […]
spiritual maturity

What is my purpose in life?

by Denise Boggs
“I will cry to God Most High …who brings to pass His purposes for me and surely completes them.”   Psalm 57:2  (AMP)   Do you desire to know what your purpose is in life?   Are you lacking fulfillment and joy in what you do each day?  Does it feel like you are just spinning you wheels and never gaining ground? Finding those things which gives our life purpose and meaning is important.  God has given each of us our own unique blend of talents and skills that will enable us to fulfill our purpose in life.  We are beautifully created […]
God Calls for A Time of Rest

Help for the Brokenhearted

by Denise Boggs
“He heals the brokenhearted and bindeth up their wounds.” Psalms 147:3 God has made full provision for healing the pain of the past so you can trust again.  Have you ever trusted someone to love you that did not know how to love or how to receive your love?  In both cases you will experience rejection.  This type of rejection is very painful, especially when it comes from someone whom you really trusted.  The pain from being hurt by someone you trust is much greater than being hurt by a casual friend.  It takes years to build trust, but it […]

Do You Know God’s Will For Your Life?

Have you ever questioned what God’s will for your life is?  God’s Kingdom is distinct and a different way of life. Phil 2:13 says, “It is God in you that works to will and to act according to His excellent pleasure”. I have actually discovered that I can pray the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy will be done”, and afterwards resist the work of Christ in me. “Col 1: 27 says, To whom God would make understood exactly what is the riches of the glory of this secret among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory”. I had […]

In Difficult Times, God Hears Our Weeping

by Denise Boggs
The Lord has heard my cry for mercy;  the Lord accepts my prayer.  Psalm 6: 9 It seems that everywhere you go now people are discouraged, hurting, and afraid.  The news media gives us a steady flow of painful reports that often overwhelm us with concern, and attempt to steal our hope. Unfortunately, in our cluttered and hyper-paced lifestyles we often rush through our challenges and attempt to control the outcomes ourselves.  We sometimes get drawn-in to the painful reports and feel overwhelmed with the difficulties. It is important to recognize that in our times of difficulty, we have a […]

Where Can I Go to Find Safety?

by Denise Boggs
“It is better to trust and take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in man.”  Psalm 118:8 In the days we are living, there is troubling news on every side.  There are wars and rumors of wars, famines, and earthquakes in various places. Everywhere you turn, you hear of devastation. Many are like the man who called our office today from another country asking: Where do I go where it is safe? I couldn’t tell him whether or not he should leave his country, but I could tell him to take refuge in the Lord and He would […]

This is the way, so now walk in it

Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way; walk ye in it”  Isaiah 30:21  When we have decisions to make and doubts are flooding our soul and others suggest courses of action that are conflicting, when caution dictates one approach but faith the other, it is the time to stop and be still.  The scripture says, “Be still and know, I am God” (Psalm 46:10).  This gives us the permission that it is “ok” to quiet the intruding opinion of others around us and then calm […]

Our God is With Us

by Denise Boggs
“I cried to the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of His holy hill. I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the Lord sustained me.”  Psalms 3:4-5 There is turmoil and difficulties in our world that continually confront us.  We are challenged every day, and it is often hard to keep our minds and hearts set on God.  We know He is with us, but we often neglect to acknowledge and recognize His blessing in our lives.  He Loves us so much that even as we sometimes ignore Him, He is always there to hear […]

God’s Purpose for Your Life

“I will cry to God Most High …who brings to pass His purposes for me and surely completes them.”  Psalms 57:2 AMP Do you seek and desire to know what is your purpose?  You may be wondering, “Why am I here and what am I suppose to do with my life?” So many times we run here and there pursuing this idea or that idea trying to discover God’s purpose for our life. We read in Psalms 57:2 that God has established His purpose for each of us and He will bring it to pass. All we do is continue […]