Shaped and Molded for God’s Purpose

“You are His workmanship…” Eph 2:10

You and I are God’s greatest handy work, the greatest work He has ever created.  He is shaping and molding you with His hands.  This is why Paul said, we are His workmanship.

You and I were created so we could be shaped and molded for a certain purpose as a vessel of honor.  It is good to understand the process that God uses to carry out the task of preparing us as a vessel of honor.

First we are on the potter’s wheel, going around and around.  We wonder “who are we?”, as we are being transformed from a simple piece of clay into a vessel.  As we accept Christ and embrace our identity through Him as a child of God, the spinning stops.

Then the painful maturing process begins.  He shapes us with His hands putting pressure on all the lumpy fleshly places.  Then on the places that will not submit to the smoothing out with His hands, He will use an instrument.  It is one that will rub us the wrong way until the ruff edges are smooth.  Just as things smooth out in our life and we feel good, all of a sudden we find ourselves in the fire, the refiner’s fire.  As we are wondering why this is happening, we must remember we are still in His hands.

We also must remember that this process is always going on.  God is using all people and all situations for our ultimate good, so that we will become a vessel of honor to be filled with His glory.

The Secret Revealed

The secret of His will…Ephesians 1:9

In Him we also were made [God’s] heritage (portion) and we obtained an inheritance; for we had been foreordained (chosen and appointed beforehand) in accordance with His purpose, who works out everything in agreement with the counsel and design of His [own] will, Ephesians 1:11

Secret place of GodThe secrets of God can be discovered but they are hidden in the secret place.  We can go to the secret place and discover His secrets, His will, His plan and purpose for our life.  I believe we must spend time, maybe even hours daily in this secret place, to discover His will for our life.  Psalms 91 says that we can actually dwell in the secret place and abide there forever.  It is in this secret place where all the distractions of the world are blocked out and all you hear is His voice.

You were chosen ahead of time for a certain purpose.  You were actually appointed by God to do it.  You can’t wait on man to say it or depend on man; it is God that appoints you.  God may use a man or women as a mouth piece to confirm what He has already appointed for you to do.  Eph 1:11, says that God works everything out after the counsel of His will.  God will work all things together to accomplish whatever His will is.

Go to the secret place daily and listen for the secret for that day to be revealed to you.

Leaving the Little House

“God sent forth His son… to redeem them that were under the law, that they might receive the adoption of sons. Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Jesus Christ.” (Galatians 4:4, 5, 7)

So how do you get out of the little house?  How do you lay aside the lies you have believed that keep you in the past?  You start with the words that bound you up or tore you down instead of building you up.  You will feel like a child as long as you stay bound by the words that were spoken when you were a child. (Read I Corinthians 13:11)

I am a parent of three children, and I know I have said hurtful things to my children; I have asked for their forgiveness many times.  Like clearing a garden of weeds, forgiveness removes the words from their minds.  I believe parents should check their children’s gardens daily just to see if any lies have been planted.  Many times parents do not even realize how the things they say affect their children. A parent can say one thing and a child hear something entirely different.  I am not blaming parents in this exercise; my goal is to uproot the lies and heal the hurts.

Allow your Father God to uproot every lie that you have believed and plant His Word of Truth. Find scriptures that tell you of your Heavenly Father’s love for you.  His love is the river that John saw in Revelations 21: “There is a river that flows from the throne of God.”

Living Life to the Fullness

“You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11 (New King James Version)

We can have joy and live life to the fullest when we live by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Every Word from God is God breathed and is life. God is the only one who has the plan for your life and knows how it will unfold before you. He has the plan and the path that you need to take to get there.

So, every morning, spend time with God. Listen for the still small voice of His Spirit. Then, during the rest of the day, watch and wait patiently for the confirmation of what you heard Him say. He will confirm His Word to you. His Word to you each morning is your daily bread. Meditate on it all day and you will begin to live life to the fullest.

The Resting Place

“This is my resting place forever” (Psalms 132:14).

Would you like to find a restful place that is quiet and peaceful, but more than that, a place where you can experience the presence of God? According to Psalm 132:14, God has established resting places, literal places that are His resting places. God is calling each of us to find a quiet place, a resting place where we can get alone to spend time with Him. In the story of Noah, when the world was destroyed by the flood, the first thing Noah did was send a dove out to find a place to rest.

“Then he (Noah) sent forth a dove to see if the waters had decreased from the surface of the ground. But the dove found no resting place on which to roost, and she returned to him to the ark, for the waters were yet on the face of the whole land. So he put forth his hand and drew her to him into the ark”
(Genesis 8:8-9).

Noah represents God, and the Ark represents the safety of the presence of God. Only when you enter into His presence will you find that place of peace and rest. I am sure in this account that the dove was weary of searching, so God stretched forth His hand and drew the dove back unto Himself. We are all like that dove, needing a safe place to land. A resting place here on earth, where His presence can be felt. When you find a resting place, you will know you have found it because your spirit will be at peace. A dove will not land where there is no peace. You may be like the dove, searching for the right place; a resting place, a peaceful place.

God has resting places here on earth where He has established a dwelling place of His presence, “This is my resting place forever” (Psalm 132:14). Trust Him to lead you to His resting place.