Peace / 67 posts found

Expectations in Prayer

by Guest
My expectations are from Him. Psalm 62: 5 There are many examples in Scripture of where Jesus met the needs and expectations of people when they encountered Him during his earthly ministry.  Wherever He went, people would gather to meet Him as they knew and expected that He would meet their need.  We can trust and believe that when we come to God with our prayers in Jesus name, He will hear us and will answer our prayers. When Jesus walked upon the earth, He reached-out to offer God’s love and mercy for all who would believe and receive.  Jesus […]

In Difficult Times, God Hears Our Weeping

by Denise Boggs
The Lord has heard my cry for mercy;  the Lord accepts my prayer.  Psalm 6: 9 It seems that everywhere you go now people are discouraged, hurting, and afraid.  The news media gives us a steady flow of painful reports that often overwhelm us with concern, and attempt to steal our hope. Unfortunately, in our cluttered and hyper-paced lifestyles we often rush through our challenges and attempt to control the outcomes ourselves.  We sometimes get drawn-in to the painful reports and feel overwhelmed with the difficulties. It is important to recognize that in our times of difficulty, we have a […]

Path of Life

by Denise Boggs
“Show me the path of life…” Psalm 16:11 God knows exactly what is going on in your world. He has provided everything you need to live during these times; and actually He has provided a way for you to live in peace even during times of trouble. Find the path of life, the peace of God. Once you find the path of life, stay there, don’t let your heart be troubled. Stop allowing yourself stray off the path, lost and fearful. You have a choice; you simple stay on the path. You have a choice daily; so don’t allow your […]

Why Walk in The Valley?

by Denise Boggs
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me ”  Psalm  23:4 During difficult times, I have often asked the Lord “Why do I have to walk in this valley“?  There have been times in my life that I have struggled with the weight of some difficult situations, and felt weakened by the load. During those times, the Lord always reminded me of His presence. Right now, life is difficult for a lot of people.  There is a lot […]

How to Overcome the Enemy

For it was not an enemy who reproached and taunts me, then I might bear it… Psalm 55:12-13 Words are powerful, destructive, and so very painful.  And the enemy uses those who are closest to us to speak out hurtful words because he wants to get a “close up” shot, one that will do some damage.  He uses their knowledge of the past and words that are connected to that painful event.  So, every painful event that has not been healed is his target.  A profound truth on how to overcome the enemy is you must work through all the […]

The Way of Peace

by Denise Boggs
“The way of peace we have not known…”   Isaiah 59:8 Isaiah was concerned about God’s people who did not know the way of peace. They were out somewhere, wandering in the darkness and didn’t know how to get to peace.  Isaiah knew they didn’t have a flashlight or a cell phone.  All they had was the “still small voice” and they weren’t listening or obeying this voice. Do you know the way of peace?  Do you know how to get there and dwell there?  I woke up one morning and realized that I lived in a constant state of worry.  […]

The Lord Will Raise You Up

“The Lord raises the poor out of the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap and the dung hill, that He may seat them with princes, even the princes of His people.”  Psalm 113:7-8 The plan of our Heavenly Father is to raise His children up to sit in heavenly places.  He wants to raise you up to a higher place than the place where you are sitting right now.  If you are poor and needy He wants you to shake off the dust of doubt and worry and trust in Him for your provision. Even in the […]

God Calls for A Time of Rest

“Come unto me all who are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest.”   Matthew 11:28 Are you tired and weak from the busyness of life?  Are you tired from the heavy burdens you are carrying?  The Lord is calling you to come to Him and rest awhile. The only way you can truly rest is by laying your burdens down.  Lay them down and let Him tell you what He wants you to pick back up. God set forth times of rest from the beginning.  Even when everything He created was good, He didn’t just keep going.  […]

This is the way, so now walk in it

Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way; walk ye in it”  Isaiah 30:21  When we have decisions to make and doubts are flooding our soul and others suggest courses of action that are conflicting, when caution dictates one approach but faith the other, it is the time to stop and be still.  The scripture says, “Be still and know, I am God” (Psalm 46:10).  This gives us the permission that it is “ok” to quiet the intruding opinion of others around us and then calm […]

Search My Heart

 “Search me Lord and know my heart, try me and know my ways and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23-24). All through Scripture we are encouraged by the Lord to examine our heart. In Psalms 139, David prays and asks the Lord to Search his heart. David said, “any wicked way,” this would be any wicked way of thinking, feeling or acting.  The thoughts of our heart are sometimes hidden from view, but can be clearly seen by our actions and our responses. Psalm 23:7 says, “As a […]