God is Love / 2 posts found

How to Find Perfect Love

“Perfect love casts out all fear, for fear hath torment.  And he that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” 1 John 4:18 We are created in the image of God and designed to have intimate relationships bound in love.   I guess it would be safe to say we are created with a “need” to love, and be loved. As an infant, the first time we are touched and held by our parent, our initial experience with physical love is activated.  But, only for a moment.  At the stage of infancy, the ability to hold-on to love has […]

The Lord is My Refuge

by Denise Boggs
But let all those who who take refuge and put their trust in you rejoice; let them ever sing and shout for joy…   Psalm 5:11 God designed us with feelings to be able to monitor our environment.  He also gives us the wisdom to learn from our mistakes and failures.  This wisdom can be used alongside our feelings so that we will not get trapped in unhealthy relationships or stay in dangerous or unsafe places. When we take refuge in the Lord and trust in Him, He will direct us to a safe place, and we will know it is […]