When you just don’t understand…

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not onto your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path”.  – Proverbs 3:5

Do you have a difficult time trusting God? Do you worry, fear, or stress about circumstances in your daily life? If you’re having a difficult time trusting God, I want you to understand something. Take a look at your relationship with your earthy father. Like looking through dark sun glasses, you may be seeing your heavenly Father dimly.  The way we viewed our earthly father can hinder us from seeing God as He really is.  As a child you look to your father for direction, if he was not trust worthy then it hinders you from trusting your heavenly Father.

Take a minute and reflect back, have you been defiled by your father’s actions?

If you were rejected by your father you may be fearful God does not love and accept you. If you were abandoned, you may be fearful that God will leave you.  These fears are defiling you and blocking your view disabling you from seeing God clearly.

Forgive your father for all his wrongdoing and release those bad memories of his mistakes.  Ask God for a pure heart so you can see Him clearly. Through healing you will be able to trust God as your loving Father.


You Can Trust

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path”.  Proverbs 3:5

There is a reason why Proverbs 3:5 says, “all your heart.”  Trusting in the Lord with all your heart means that He alone is the One you are trusting to direct you to the right path.  You simply ask Him and wait on the answer. I like to write out my questions and then record the answer in my journal.

When you ask the Lord for direction and He gives you the answer, you trust Him even though you don’t fully understand it.  You can’t wait until you understand everything.  If you wait until you understand then you are trusting in yourself.  There are some things we will never understand and that is why we need faith to trust God.

Holding on to the past can be a major block when you are trying to trust the Lord.  If you are rehearsing all of your past mistakes, then you can’t hear what He is telling you to do.  You will be hindered from moving forward until you let go of the past and release all the people who let you down.  Forgive yourself and others and then trust God to direct your steps from this day forward.


Dear Lord, I need Your help. Please help me to stop looking backwards at the mistakes of the past. Lord, help me to overcome all fear and put my full trust in You as I move forward.                                                                                                   In Jesus’ Name,       

Burdens Will Roll Away

“Commit your ways to the Lord (roll and repose each care of your load on Him); trust (lean on, rely on and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass.”  Psalm 37:5 Amp.

You have probably found, as I have, that every problem has a weight to it, and some are heavier than others.  If you have committed your ways unto the Lord and are trusting in Him to work things out, then you must release the heavy weight and not take it back again.  As you trust the Lord, you can have peace in knowing your burdens will roll away.

Do not worry about it.   Trust Him.  This does not mean you are not involved or concerned about the situation.   It simply means you are not anxious or worried about it anymore.  And most of all, it is not up to you to fix it.

You are now trusting in the Lord and waiting on Him to work everything out for good.  Waiting is hard, but you can trust God to be faithful to His Word.  Grab hold of His promise and then wait.  It is hard to wait at first, but the more you resist taking things back into your own hands and working them out yourself, the easier waiting becomes.

So today, if your problem feels heavy, just pray and release it to the Lord.  Roll it over and reposition the weight on Him, and He will carry it for you.  All you need to do now is stand back and watch as He works everything out according to His plan and purpose.

Be aware that if you have never lived life without a weight on your back, it may feel funny at first.  If so, resist taking the weight back again.  Psalm 37:3 says, “Trust in (lean on, rely on and be confident) in the Lord and do good, so shall you dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness, and surely be fed.”   This tells me we are not to worry, because He will provide for all our needs.  We are to feed on His faithfulness, and He has a banquet table prepared for us.

Another important teaching on burden bearing.



“O Lord my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me.” Psalm 7:1

We can trust in God because He is always faithful. We trust Him because we trust what He says in His Word.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

trust in GodGod’s track record has been recorded and He has been faithful to do what He says He will do all through the ages.  He has always come through.  When we trust others based on their track record we have a hard time trusting them.  Everyone makes mistakes and we have a tendency to focus on their mistakes. We want others to trust us because we have good intentions, but we only trust them based on their past behavior.  A person may have good intentions to do what they say, but many times it cannot be accomplished.

Trust is established over time.  Trust the fruit that is being produced in a person’s life over a period of time, not an isolated event.  Just like fruit on a tree is produced over time, fruit is produced in a person’s life over time through their relationship with God.

In Philippians 2:13 Paul says; “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”

The fruit or evidence that God is working in a person’s life is the fruit of the Spirit of love, joy and peace found in Galatians 5:22-23.

Once the fruit of love is evident you know God is working. You can count on it because God is working in and through that person. That person may still let you down but God is working in them and you can trust Him.   He is the only one that can be trusted to come through. He is the only one who is steadfast. So wives trust God at work in your husband. Husbands trust God at work in your wife. Instead of looking at their failures try looking at how God is working in their life and trust in what He is doing.

The Path: Look past the natural into the supernatural and trust in the Lord with all your heart.