Rest in the Lord / 2 posts found

God Calls for A Time of Rest

“Come unto me all who are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest.”   Matthew 11:28 Are you tired and weak from the busyness of life?  Are you tired from the heavy burdens you are carrying?  The Lord is calling you to come to Him and rest awhile. The only way you can truly rest is by laying your burdens down.  Lay them down and let Him tell you what He wants you to pick back up. God set forth times of rest from the beginning.  Even when everything He created was good, He didn’t just keep going.  […]

Place Your Cares on Him, and Rest in the Lord

by Denise Boggs
“Cast your burdens upon the Lord” (Psalms 55:22). Casting a burden upon the Lord means you turn the burden over and release it to Him. Every burden has a weight, and some are heavier than others. The Lord knows we can only carry a burden for a short amount of time before we begin to slip and fall under the weight of it. God calls us to bear one another’s burdens only long enough to bring them to Him. Remember, the Lord will not put more on you than you can carry. If you are weary, it is time to […]