The Way of Peace

“The way of peace we have not known…”   Isaiah 59:8

The way of PeaceIsaiah was concerned about God’s people who did not know the way of peace. They were out somewhere, wandering in the darkness and didn’t know how to get to peace.  Isaiah knew they didn’t have a flashlight or a cell phone.  All they had was the “still small voice” and they weren’t listening or obeying this voice.

Do you know the way of peace?  Do you know how to get there and dwell there?  I woke up one morning and realized that I lived in a constant state of worry.  If I didn’t have something to worry about, I would think of something.  But that day, like the prodigal son, I woke up and came to my senses.  I am a Child of God! Jesus, the Prince of Peace, has saved me from all this! I don’t have to live here anymore.

So, I asked Jesus to show me the way out of this state of worry.  He said, “Ok, here we go, listen to me, pay attention, I am going to show you the way out.”   I listened as I drove down the road.  When I heard the news report, I heard Him say, “Fear Not.”  I obeyed and didn’t turn down the familiar street called fear.  It was hard, but I didn’t give in.  Instead, I turned the opposite way called faith.  At that moment I was at peace, by simply obeying His voice when He said, “Fear not.”

As I continued traveling down the road, I came to a four way stop.  There were four different people wanting their own way.  He said, “Stop, let them go on.” Again I obeyed, and continued on my way in peace.

In the last part of my journey, I found myself in a heated conversation.  I felt angry and hurt, and then I heard His voice say, “Forgive”.  I stopped, obeyed, and soon the “red light” inside of me turned green and I continued down the road in peace.  I found the way to peace that day.  As I obeyed the voice of the Lord, I was at peace.

God Calls for A Time of Rest

“Come unto me all who are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest.”   Matthew 11:28

God Calls for A Time of RestAre you tired and weak from the busyness of life?  Are you tired from the heavy burdens you are carrying?  The Lord is calling you to come to Him and rest awhile.

The only way you can truly rest is by laying your burdens down.  Lay them down and let Him tell you what He wants you to pick back up.

God set forth times of rest from the beginning.  Even when everything He created was good, He didn’t just keep going.  He stopped on the seventh day and rested.  Even when everything we are doing is good, we still need to draw away from what we are doing to rest awhile.

Do you hear Him calling, “Enter into rest”? If so, pray the following prayer:

Lord, I hear Your calling to enter into a time of rest, to cease all busyness and draw closer to You.  In obedience to Your calling, I choose to enter into a time of rest.  Lord, I see this as a higher calling and I will gladly lay down those things You show me are hindering my time with You, which are _________________.

Lord, I know I need a time of rest because I am very tired and my burdens are heavy.  I need a quiet place to lay my burdens down until you tell me what to pick back up again.

I need a place, where I am not drawn to the expectations or demands of others, a place where I rest in You and hear Your voice.  Lord, I ask You to lead me to that quiet and peaceful resting place.

Lord, my desire is to cease all busyness and activities that are based on striving and performing.

Lord, every area of my life that is not at peace, I surrender to You.  I ask You to do a work of righteousness within me. (Isaiah 32:17) You have said the work of righteousness shall be peace.  I want every area of my life to be in alignment with Your will, Your plan and purpose for my life.

Search me O Lord and know my heart, try me and know my ways, and show me every way within me that is not Your way.

Show me the heavy burdens I have picked up that You did not give me to carry.

Show me responsibilities that are not mine that need to be laid aside.

Show me all the projects I have started for the wrong reasons and even the futile serving I have done out of my own need to be needed.

Lord, I want to lay down everything that it hinders my relationship with You.

So, as I cease from my labors for the next 21 days, I ask You to reveal Your will for my life, Your plan and Your purpose. Have Your way in me Lord.

In Jesus name,


Dwelling in the Peace of God

“I will lie down, both in peace and in sleep for You alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety” Psalm 4:8.

As God’s children, we possess a powerful gift that the rest of this world is trying to obtain.  We possess peace.  We can lie down at night after a long, hard day with peace in our hearts knowing that the Lord is going to take care of everything that is troubling us.  That is a wonderful gift.

Most of this world longs to be rescued from the troubles of life.  Although we can’t escape every problem, as Christians, we can be assured that we serve a God who is big enough to take care of us in every way!  We just need to be willing to turn to Him and release the troubles we carry.

If you know of someone who is constantly allowing the troubles of life to burden them, pray for them.  Ask them if you can help carry some of that load for them.  Helping others find the peace of God is an act of unconditional service, and certainly a blessing of Burden Bearing.

We should all desire for others to dwell in the peace and safety that God offers.  Without His peace, we are sure to give up and lose the hope we need to be able to conquer life’s difficulties.

It is time to get on the Right Path

“That we may do those good works which God predestined for us…” Eph 2: 10

Get on the right pathGod has preordained and planned before hand what your purpose is on the earth.  And He has used the situations in your life up to this very moment to teach you and prepare you for His purposes.

We can’t see clearly what God sees.  It is only after we pass through a situation that we see it clearly.  We can then look down from a higher perspective and see what good came out of it, what we learned, and how God will use it.  I know how it is to be in the middle of a bad situation.  We wonder what good thing could possibly come out of this! At that point, we can not see what God sees.  That is why all along the way and in every situation, we must learn to listen to His voice.  His ways are so much higher than our ways.  He has a plan that we can’t see so we must listen to His voice so we will choose the right way, the high way.

I believe God sets up situations just for learning purposes.  He wants us to learn from our past mistakes, so we will make different choices and take the right path the next time.  Paul said that if we take the path which He planned ahead of time, we will live the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live.  This does not mean that once we learn to walk on the highway, we will not encounter difficult situations.  It does mean that we will always have a clear path to walk on during those difficult times.  That’s why we go through hard times so we can learn how to identify God ways and God’s path that leads us though the valleys and hardships of life.