How to Dwell in the Peace of God

“I will lie down, both in peace and in sleep for You alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety”
-Psalm 4:8

As God’s children, we possess a powerful gift that the rest of this world is trying to obtain.  We possess peace.

We can lie down at night after a long, hard day with peace in our hearts knowing that the Lord is going to take care of everything that is troubling us. That is a wonderful gift. Most of this world longs to be rescued from the troubles of life.

Although we can’t escape every problem, as Christians, we can be assured that we serve a God who is big enough to take care of us in every way!

If you know of someone who is constantly allowing the troubles of life to burden them, pray for them. Ask them if you can help carry some of that load for them. We should all desire for others to dwell in the peace and safety that God offers. Without His peace, we are sure to give up. We need the peace of God to be able to conquer life’s difficulties.

Would You Like to Find a Resting Place?

“This is my resting place forever.” (Psalms 132:14)

Resting Place of GodWould you like to find a restful place that is quiet and peaceful, but more than that, a place where you can experience the presence of God?

According to Psalm 132:14, God has established resting places, literal places that are His resting places.  God is calling each of us to find a quiet place, a resting place where we can get alone to spend time with Him.  In the story of Noah, when the world was destroyed by the flood, the first thing Noah did was send a dove out to find a place to rest.

“Then he (Noah) sent forth a dove to see if the waters had decreased from the surface of the ground. But the dove found no resting place on which to roost, and she returned to him to the ark, for the waters were yet on the face of the whole land. So he put forth his hand and drew her to him into the ark” (Genesis 8:8-9).

Noah represents God, and the Ark represents the safety of the presence of God.  Only when you enter into His presence will you find that place of peace and rest.  I am sure in this account that the dove was weary of searching, so God stretched forth His hand and drew the dove back unto Himself.  We are all like that dove, needing a safe place to land… a resting place here on earth, where His presence can be felt.

When you find a resting place, you will know you have found it because your spirit will be at peace.  A dove will not land where there is no peace.  You may be like the dove, searching for the right place – a resting place, a peaceful place.

God has resting places here on earth where He has established a dwelling place of His presence, “This is my resting place forever” (Psalm 132:14). Trust Him to lead you to His resting place.

A Thankful Heart is a Lifestyle

Peace of GodHave ever walked through the woods on a beautiful spring day and marveled at the beauty?  Better than that, have you ever walked through the woods on a beautiful day and enjoyed it with someone you dearly love? As you admired the beautiful shades of new growth glistening in the sun you may never forget the day because you experienced it with someone you love.

The beauty all around you was created for you by the one who loves you. God created all this beauty that is all around you and when you enjoy the beauty and thank Him for it, you will experience a thankful heart.   Life will never be the same once you have experienced a thankful heart.

Look for something to be thankful for in every situation and experience the lifestyle that is the secret of a person that lives and walks with God.  Live in the Peace and Love He surrounds you with, and share His love with others.

Dwelling in the Peace of God

“I will lie down, both in peace and in sleep for You alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety” Psalm 4:8.

As God’s children, we possess a powerful gift that the rest of this world is trying to obtain.  We possess peace.  We can lie down at night after a long, hard day with peace in our hearts knowing that the Lord is going to take care of everything that is troubling us.  That is a wonderful gift.

Most of this world longs to be rescued from the troubles of life.  Although we can’t escape every problem, as Christians, we can be assured that we serve a God who is big enough to take care of us in every way!  We just need to be willing to turn to Him and release the troubles we carry.

If you know of someone who is constantly allowing the troubles of life to burden them, pray for them.  Ask them if you can help carry some of that load for them.  Helping others find the peace of God is an act of unconditional service, and certainly a blessing of Burden Bearing.

We should all desire for others to dwell in the peace and safety that God offers.  Without His peace, we are sure to give up and lose the hope we need to be able to conquer life’s difficulties.

Dwell in the Presence of the Lord

Do You Desire to Dwell in the Presence of the Lord?

“One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek, inquire for, and [insistently] require: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life, to behold and gaze upon the beauty [the sweet attractiveness and the delightful loveliness] of the Lord, and to meditate, consider, and inquire in His temple” Psalms 27:4, Amplified.

David was not satisfied to simply have an occasional encounter with God. His desire was to dwell in the presence of the Lord always.  I have found that Psalms 27:4 holds a powerful key to dwelling in the presence of the Lord! The key is to meditate on His Word.

In Psalms 1:2, David said he meditates on the Word of God day and night. As you go through your day, choose a verse and meditate on it, quote it over and over, and then write out the impressions you have regarding that verse.

Ask God to speak to you through His Word, and as you do that you will find your spirit is lifted up above your circumstances and you are dwelling in His presence.  As this becomes a daily practice, you will soon find that you can dwell in the House of the Lord forever.